
Muhurata services focus on identifying the most auspicious times for important events such as weddings, business launches, and travel. By aligning activities with favorable planetary positions, these services aim to enhance success and harmony. Experts analyze individual horoscopes to determine optimal timings for significant life events.

Utilizing muhurata services can lead to improved outcomes and minimized obstacles in various endeavors. Choosing the right moment can boost confidence, reduce stress, and create a positive impact on personal and professional undertakings. This ancient practice offers a blend of tradition and precision to guide important decisions.

Muhurata Services

or call : (408) 639-5300

Book Muhurata Appointment

Book a muhurata appointment with Dr. Saket Bhatia, a skilled Vedic astrologer for accurate timing and event planning. Experience expert readings to better understand your life's path and future.
Vedic Astrologer
Cost: $300 for 1-hour appointment. Appointments are in person or virtual (Telephone, Zoom). Once you book, our office will reach out to coordinate a convenient date and time for your personalized session.

2954 Scott Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Hours: Mon – Sat: 8 AM – 8 PM

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muhurata appointment

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