Life Coaching

Life coaching services offer personalized guidance tailored to each individual’s needs, focusing on enhancing personal and professional aspects of life. By analyzing astrological charts, coaches provide targeted advice on career paths, relationships, and decision-making, helping clients achieve their goals with greater clarity and confidence.

In addition to practical advice, life coaching supports emotional well-being through stress management and self-awareness techniques. Coaches work with clients to understand their unique strengths and challenges, fostering personal growth and a deeper sense of fulfillment. This holistic approach ensures that clients receive comprehensive support for their overall development. .

Life Coaching Services

or call : (408) 639-5300

Book Life Coaching Appointment

Book an life coaching appointment with a skilled Vedic astrologer for personalized insights and guidance. Experience expert readings to better understand your life's path and future.
Vedic Astrologer
Cost: $300 for 1-hour appointment. Appointments are in person or virtual (Telephone, Zoom). Once you book, our office will reach out to coordinate a convenient date and time for your personalized session.

2954 Scott Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Hours: Mon – Sat: 8 AM – 8 PM

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